Sunday, April 18, 2010

No Amnesty For Illegal Aliens

I don't fault anyone for wanting a better life. But there are rules we have to follow to achieve this. If an illegal alien wants to live and work in this country, they have to go through the legal process of becoming American citizens. They can't simply cross our borders, take our jobs, use our health care, destroy our economy, use our welfare or social security system, then expect us to give then amnesty.

If they want these things they can have them, but, like the rest of us, they have to work for them. Aliens must become legal citizens, work for their goals, and pay their taxes. There needs to be a two (2) year minimum time limit for new alien/citizens to work and pay into the system before becoming eligible for any benefits, except in the case of an emergency.

A child should not automatically become an American citizen just because their illegal parents crossed our borders to give birth to them in this country. At least one of their parents needs to be an American citizen for the child to be considered such.

As for those who don't want to put forth the effort to become American citizens, they have two choices; go home or go to prison. NO AMNESTY!

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